Tammikuun näyttelynä Maria Sennikova: In Between

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At some point in our life we all experience a very strange feeling of disposition. It feels like we have reached a point that splits us to different personalities: who we were in the past, who we are currently and who we want to become, yet still being in transition in between them all at the same time. It feels like weightlessness in outer space, yet there are so many options to choose from, which makes it rather difficult to decide who we actually want to be.
So many different realities and options, we try desperately to reorganize our life once again. At this sweet spot, so-called the golden ratio of the personality formation, these realities start to merge together like a caleidoscope of human existence. We can twist our realities around to get the picture that pleases us the most. Yet, it is never going to be a complete pitch-perfect picture because some things can only be seen from the distance by another person. Some details are covered in our self-soreness or confusion. For some things, it simply takes time to evolve enough in order to be noticeable.
Someday I will see a complete picture through someone else’s eyes but for now, I keep on twisting.
About the artist
Mariia Sennikova (born 1998 St.-Petersburg, Russia) is currently studying Visual Arts at Turku Art Academy. In her first solo exhibition she wants to reflect on the unsettled nature of the search for the truth through one’s memories and feelings. The artist is using both traditional collage technique and painted collage to express her ideas. She works in different kinds of media, such as oil paint and acrylic, recently she also decided to challenge her abilities in Augmented Reality (AR).
There are three artworks on view in this exhibition through which is possible to experience Augmented Reality. Please, download Artivive app to your smartphone to see these artworks.
The exhibition can be seen in Kirjakahvila between 7th and 31th of January. Welcome to the opening on the 7th, at 5-7 pm!
Mariia Sennikova (s. 1998 Pietari, Venäjä) opiskelee Turun taideakatemiassa ensimmäistä vuotta. Ensimmäisessä yksityisnäyttelyssään hän haluaa pohtia totuuden etsimistä muistojen ja tunteiden kautta. Taiteilija ilmaisee ideoitaan sekä perinteisen kollaasitekniikan että maalatun kollaasin avulla. Hän työskentelee erilaisilla teknikoilla, kuten öljyväri- ja akryylimaalaukset, äskettäin hän päätti myös haastaa kykynsä lisätyn todellisuuden maailmassa (eng. Augmented Reality, AR).
Näyttelyssä on esillä kolme taideteosta, joiden kautta on mahdollista kokea lisättyä todellisuutta. Lataa Artivive-sovellus älypuhelimeesi nähdäksesi nämä teokset.
Näyttely on nähtävillä Kirjakahvilassa 7.-31.1.2020. Avajaiset 7.1. klo 17-19.