TAFF x Pride x Kirjakahvila: Flee-ulkoilmanäytös
Turku Animated Film Festival vierailee Brinkkalan pihassa prideviikon perjantaina 25.8. Iltakymmenen tienoilla käynnistyvässä ulkoilmanäytöksessä esitetään animaatiodokumentti Flee, joka tarkastelee lapsena 1980-luvun Afganistanista pakenemaan joutuneen Aminin menneisyyttä, traumoja ja oman seksuaalisuutensa hyväksymistä. Elokuva on haalinut palkintoja lukuisilla elokuvafestivaaleilla, kuten Sundancen elokuvajuhlilla ja Annecyn animaatiofestivaaleilla.
Elokuva pyörähtää käyntiin illan hämärryttyä tarpeeksi, noin klo 22 tienoilla. Tilaisuus on maksuton, mutta elokuvan ikäraja on 15 vuotta. Tervetuloa!
During the Turku Pride week, the Turku Animated Film Festival presents an open air screening of the documentary animation Flee. In the Grand Jury Prize winner at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival, filmmaker Jonas Poher Rasmussen tells a poignant story of belonging and the search for identity. Amin’s life has been defined by his past and a secret he’s kept for over 20 years. Forced to leave his home country of Afghanistan as a young child with his mother and siblings, Amin now grapples with how his past will affect his future in Denmark and the life he is building with his soon-to-be husband. Told brilliantly through the use of animation to protect his identity, Amin looks back over his life, opening up for the first time about his past, his trauma, the truth about his family, and his acceptance of his own sexuality.
The film rolls when it gets dark enough, around 10 pm. Free admission, age limit 15. Welcome!
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/events/818105303289765
FLEE | Flugt
Jonas Poher Rasmussen | Denmark/France/Norway/Sweden 2021 | K15 | 83 min | languages: Danish & Dari & Russian with English subtitles | Rotten Tomatoes: 98 %
TAFF 23.–27.8.
TURKU PRIDE 21.–27.8.