Perjantaina 9.9. klo 18–20 Kirjakahvila saa islantilaisia vieraita, kun Reykjavikin Post-dreifing-taidekollektiivissa toimivat Bjarni Daníel ja DJ Ræna banka vetävät ensin keskustelun radikaaleista tiloista ja kulttuuritoiminnan merkityksestä yhteisöllisyyden rakentamisessa kotikaupungissaan ja sitten heittävät vielä livekeikat alkuillan päätteeksi.

Ei pääsymaksua, ei ikärajaa, ei natseja! // Free admission, all ages, no nazis!

This Friday, 9 September, two artists from Reykjavík, Iceland pay a visit to Turku’s iconic Kirjakahvila. Bjarni Daníel & DJ Ræna banka have been heavily involved in Reykjavík’s vibrant DIT grassroots cultural scene for several years and will attempt to showcase what it’s all about in a sort of Show & Tell. Beginning with an open discussion about DIY/DIT cultural work and radicalism, and concluding with two distinctly different live performances, they hope to start a dialog about alternative platforms, collectivization and its affects on creative expression, as well as community building through DIY cultural work.


18.00 talk: DIY/DIT cultural work and radical community building
19.00 live: Bjarni Daníel | lo-fi acoustic indie, Reykjavik
19.30 live: DJ Ræna banka | electronic, Reykjavik

Bjarni Daníel

Bjarni Daníel’s work is an open inquiry into the ugliness of the mundane. Already an accomplished songwriter at the age of 24, Bjarni’s musical endeavours have been as diverse as they’ve been many, resulting in a strangely incoherent catalogue of tracks, that find their place together as part of their intrinsically intimate solo performances.

Bjarni’s lyrics are characterized by a certain straightforward-ness, crafting a patchwork of everyday images and experiences which gain significance in each other’s company: ”the ugliest color in the world / according to some survey / is green-ish / i always found it to be pretty, beautiful”

Stemming from Reykjavík, Iceland’s vibrant grassroots scene, Bjarni Daníel has been a prolific voice within what has become an internationally acclaimed movement of experimentation and cultural, as well as political, radicalism. Be it as songwriter for one of their numerous bands (Supersport!, Bagdad Brothers & many more), as program director and DJ at the Icelandic national radio (RÚV) or as organizer within local music and arts collective Post-dreifing, most of their work to date has been heavily centered around extensive collaboration with other artists.

This fall Bjarni tries something entirely different – performing alone – but their goals remain the same: building community, writing their truth through song & killing all fascists.

DJ Ræna banka

Budding in the fertile soil of the grassroots scene of Reykjavík Iceland, DJ Ræna banka is breaking out of its seed in 2022!

Certainly expressing the day-to-day anxieties induced by contemporary society, the main focus of DJ Ræna banka sets remains friendships and togetherness – our only successful antidote to the alienation of life under late stage capitalism.

Delivered in an emotion-laden and energetic, yet sincere, anti-perfectionist manner, DJ Ræna banka’s performances are characterized by live coding, open improvisations and his trademark ‘speed-run’ DJ sets.

Kirjakahvilan kesätapahtumia 2022 tukee Elävän musiikin säätiö ELMU sr.